Dear 14-Year-Old Me,

Hi! Firstly, allow me to introduce myself; I am now 22 years old - a health student, business owner, blogger, and motivational speaker. Did you see any of these titles coming? I have absolutely no idea what I am doing but trust me, God has a greater plan for your life. Far from what you’ve planned for yourself. 

You know how you tend to think of the moments you’re having and wonder if your future self will be able to remember that specific moment – in detail? News flash, she only remembers the painful and exuberant moments. The rest are a blur. So with that said, no moment is important enough for you to remember and ponder on unless it deals big with your emotions. 

I think it’s very important that you focus on yourself and doing what makes you happy but still glorifying God at the same time. Your spiritual journey in your teenage years is the most remarkable thing because you’ve normalized praying for every single thing in your life and building your relationship with God. However, you have developed an unhealthy habit of testing God’s love for you by being a literal compass for whatever takes place. Wherever the wind blows, there you are. In most cases, you’re just pretending to be like those around you to “fit in” but it’s only taking you 10 steps backward because those aren’t true companionships. 

06/2013 (At the time, I felt like a diva... laugh with me😂)

Oh, by the way, you’ve stopped using the name “Kim”. You were always so envious of other people having middle names, so your loving neighbor decided that you could share her name ‘Kimberly.’  You loved the name so much that for the better part of your middle teen years those who weren’t close to you, didn’t know it wasn’t even your real name. Years later, you bumped into the ‘real’ Kim at a clothing store and tried to call her out but she ignored you even though she was two feet away from you. Tough fate.

I am so sorry for all your past trauma but babe, stop holding onto the past. It’ll only make you stop growing. So remove those unwanted weeds around you and cultivate your ground then let God do the watering because you deserve to see what kind of beautiful sunflower you’re going to grow into. Regardless of all of this, I am so proud of how you’ve ALWAYS grabbed an opportunity when it arises and how you focused on your grades and passion.

Your future self is so brilliant. You’ve built such a strong repertoire for yourself. So motivated. So beautiful. Such a rib cracker. You’re the girl of your dreams. Oh and companionships? After you decided to stay true to who you are. You did gain the most supportive, intellectually motivating, loving, and true friends. You’re surrounded by such an amazing group of family and friends who you love so much!

With love,

-The only type of sunflower around. A forbidden sunflower🌻


So sweet,touching beautiful piece...Im in love with the anecdotes 🔥🤲


Hahaha OK. That was amusing but makes me wanna write a letter to teenager me.


i can honestly attest that your account of your past has sparked an interest in my own journaling path. waiting for the letter to your future self ;D


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